About Me

I am a second year PhD student in Computer vision at CVSSP - University of surrey, under the supervision of Dr. Yulia Gryaditskaya and Prof. Yi-Zhe Song. My research is about using generative models to enable people more control and creativity with visual content.

Before starting my PhD, I completed my MSc in AI at the University of Paris Saclay, where I worked on several projects including 3D reconstruction, and molecular dynamics simulations modeling.

Currently, I am looking for an internship on personalizing generative models.



Open Vocabulary Scene Sketch Semantic Understanding
CVPR 2024


FSCOCO-Seg: Segmented Scene Sketches

It contains our split of the sketches from the FSCOCO dataset into training, validation and test sets. For the validation and test sets, we provide stroke-level annotations into different categories, as shown in the teaser image.


Teaching Assistant - University of Surrey
  • EEEM068 - Applied Machine Learning, Spring 2024
  • EEE2041 - Computer Vision and Graphics, Spring 2024
  • EEEM067 - AR, VR and the Metaverse, Fall 2023
  • EEE2041 - Computer Vision and Graphics, Spring 2023